Dugo vremena, kao i sve druge rakije na našem području, rakija od šljive bila je gotovo potpuno zanemarena u pogledu kvalitete, te je u svijesti potrošača jakih alkoholnih pića ponekad bila i opravdano zanemarena. Zato smo odlučili to u potpunosti promijeniti i predstaviti vam rakiju od šljiva destilerije Bijeli gusak koja ruši sve predrasude i vodi vas na putovanje puno nevjerojatnih mirisa i jedinstvenog okusa.
For a long time, like all other brandies in our area, plum brandy was almost completely neglected in terms of quality, and in the minds of consumers of spirits was sometimes justifiably neglected. So we decided to completely change that and introduce you to the White Goose distillery plum brandy that breaks down all prejudices and takes you on a journey full of amazing scents and unique flavors.
For a long time, like all other brandies in our area, plum brandy was almost completely neglected in terms of quality, and in the minds of consumers of spirits was sometimes justifiably neglected. So we decided to completely change that and introduce you to the White Goose distillery plum brandy that breaks down all prejudices and takes you on a journey full of amazing scents and unique flavors.
Product Code: hELsOGi
Product Condition : New
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