Gin Bijeli Gusak - new western style- 0.5 l
Product Code: NG5iaeD
25,00 € inc. tax
Craft gin Bijeli Gusak blagog je i aromatičnog profila što vam omogućava jedinstvenost u kreiranju omiljenih koktela. S neponovljivim notama kardamoma, tonke, casia cimeta ali i drugim okusima gin Bijeli Gusak vas neće ostaviti ravnodušnim.
Craft gin White Goose has a mild and aromatic profile that allows you to be unique in creating your favorite cocktails. With unique notes of cardamom, tonka, casia cinnamon and other flavors, gin White Goose will not leave you indifferent.
Craft gin White Goose has a mild and aromatic profile that allows you to be unique in creating your favorite cocktails. With unique notes of cardamom, tonka, casia cinnamon and other flavors, gin White Goose will not leave you indifferent.
Product Code: NG5iaeD
Product Condition : New

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27. siječnja 2023.
new western style
Josipa Madjar
Odličan gin, ne osjeti se intenzivni okus alkohola, ima finu aromu, jedan od najboljih koje sam probala.